Did a 13 year old really make this?: The programming, and most of the ideas came from me, but I did consult with other students, and with teachers, for ideas on how to improve When That.
What is the difference between When That and Mosman Time?: When That is a timetabling system that can be used by any school. Mosman Time is the product of When That for Mosman High School.
Do the students have to store any data locally?: No. When That is entirely cloud based, so the students can access it from any device – no possibility of leaving your diary or a note at home!
Is there a mobile app?: Yes, there is an Android app available from the Google Play store. However, as When That is a website, it is easily accessible from an iPhone or any other device.
My school has a two week timetable, does the app allow that?: When That allows you to set the number of weeks and periods your school has.
My school has a short day, can the app have fewer periods on one day?: When That allows you to set the periods individually on each day, to make sure the periods are accurate.
Can we allow students to put in lunchtime sessions?: You can add special before school, after school, and break periods, so that students can record what extracurricular activities they have.
Can parents see their student’s timetables?: Parents can see student timetables, and todo lists, by logging in, and seeing what their children have coming up.